Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) pages (or informational hubs) enable your business to respond, react, and anticipate the needs of your audience more quickly and appropriately than other types of destination page experiences.

An effective FAQ resource can educate, inform, and naturally guide the user through your website’s content and toward the goals and results you have set.

Over the years, the role of the FAQ page has changed substantially, and now an FAQ page is an essential webpage to have on your site.

Why An FAQ Resource?

Firstly, FAQ pages can bring new visitors to your website via organic search and drive them quickly to related pages – most typically deeper blog pages and service pages closely related to the questions being resolved.

Next, one of the most significant opportunities for impactful brand visibility within the search engine result pages (in-SERP) is targeting audience questions, wants, needs, and pain points.

The FAQ page is one of the best ways to help people visit your site and get snippets of answers in front of users before they click any results within the search pages.

A helpful FAQ page (more likely an FAQ hub of core pages and topical intent) shortens the time it takes for people to solve their search requirements.

The experience from the first visit to conversion is also faster because you remove any possible barriers to knowledge (informational and often trust).

As a company, you are showcasing expertise through FAQs, plus introducing your key staff, knowledge, and unique insights into the industry sooner.

You add credibility and value through meaningful content in the many forms your audience requires. This will typically include audio, visual/video, and layering of content types now, compared to traditional text-only content provision.

You are also servicing the need for offline conversation and experience through faster and always available online mechanisms.

People will always seek help and advice. They are unwilling to pick up the phone, walk into a store, or wait hours (even minutes) for that information or insight to become accessible.

It needs to be available now and in the format they enjoy the most.

Why FAQ Pages Are A Priority

FAQ pages continue to be a priority area for SEO and digital marketing professionals.

An FAQ page is one of the simplest ways to improve your site and help site visitors and users.

Your FAQ section should be seen as a constantly expanding source of value provided to your audience. It is a place where their ever-changing and growing requirements are not only met but anticipated and exceeded frequently.

In no small part, the importance of FAQ pages has been driven in recent years by the growth in voice search, mobile search, and personal/home assistants and speakers.

These predominantly rely on the pre-results (Google Answers and Featured Snippets) and can be explicitly targeted with FAQ pages.

People need conversation, comparison, and support for most of their decision-making online and offline; FAQs can cater to them all.

An effective FAQ page seeks to: